torstai 5. heinäkuuta 2007

Just thinking

Here I'm going to write some ideas about politics and thing's that I'm wonder.

Like politics between EU and Russia. Politics about the EU, and things what I have thinking long. Those are things like Scotland.

To me there is only England and Scotland. No UK. I have thought this about 15 to 18 years now.

Things like who is going to gain money about Loch Ness now when Nessie has show her again. Not Scottish people. That's for sure. People in England is going to get that money or most of it. I think that Sean Connery is right when he said that he will pay taxes to Scotland when they are independent. As long as Scotland belongs to the England he don't pay. In this day he hasn't. Go for it. I'm in his side.

England is just greedy country witch doesn't respect other cultures . My opinion.